In the previous posts I’ve given an introduction to PowerApps and Iv’e gone through creating the apps. In this post I will look at creating the different screens in PPowerApps - The Basics - Creating Screens Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Power Apps screens2owerApps.

PowerApps have 4 different types of screens.

  • Blank
  • Scrollable screen
  • List screen
  • Form screen



The blank scren gives you m ost control over the form however in the beginning a blank form can be quite difficult to work with therefore in this post I will only consider  the other options. However this options could be very suitbale for things like charts, media and a lot of other information presenting screens.

Also when using non-SharePoint data it might be helpful to take the blank screen or scrollable screen as a base.

Scrollable screenPowerApps - The Basics - Creating Screens Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Power Apps scrollable

The Scrollable screens give you a form where many controls can be added to an unlimited number of sections. On the right of the screen a scroll bar will be available. Similar to the blank form Scrollable screens are also quite blank and difficult to take as a starting point when using SharePoint list.

List screen

The PowerApps - The Basics - Creating Screens Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Power Apps listviewlist screen is a bit like a list view in SharePoint listing items form a SharePoint list. There is full control over what the form will look like.  It is possible to add images to each of the items oto make things look even better








Form screenPowerApps - The Basics - Creating Screens Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Power Apps formscreen

A form screen is similar to a display and edit form. by added fields to the form and selecting a layout there is control over how the form looks.





PowerApps - The Basics - Creating Screens Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Power Apps browsescreen1


Now that we have looked at the different screen options. It’s time to have a look at some fo the controls available.

I’m going to start with the BrowseScreen1 that is created when I create a new app from my list.

On the form there are a number of Actions, Data and Desifgn settings that can be set.

The actions are similar to events as used in html.

On Visible will fire when the form becomes visible .

OnHidden will fire when the form is hidden or closed

and OnStart is triggered when the app is started.

In the Data section a background image can be set. This can be set to a url like: “https:/ /” . note that the double quotes are needed. Why this sin’t in the Design section of the settings is unclear to me. Especially as the Design section includes ImagePosition that will position the image.


This is all there is about creating screens. Now we just have to go through the options of each control that can be added to the screens and a lot of the from creations within PowerApps will become clear.

Other posts in this series



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By Pieter Veenstra

Business Applications Microsoft MVP working as the Head of Power Platform at Vantage 365. You can contact me using

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