Recently I’ve looked at many SharePoint Designer workflows and migrated them to Microsoft Flow or Azure Logic Apps. There isn’t really a set approach that will work for all but as a starting point you could consider going for a like for like migration. Each Condition, Action and Loop in your SharePoint Designer workflows  can quite quickly be replaced with the equivalent in Microsoft Flow. In this post I’m going through a full list of steps that you can migrate across.Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer actions

Within Microsoft Flow or Azure Logic Apps ever flow or app will start with a trigger. Where SharePoint Designer is always triggered by either something happening to a list item, document or a moment in time, Microsoft Flow and Azure Logic Apps can be triggered by many other applications.

Once you have created your trigger you will be able to open the following menu:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer addanactionmenuThis is where actions, conditions, loops, scopes and branches can be added. Most actions will have similar names in both SharePoint designer and Flow. But be careful! Migrating from SharePoint Designer to Flow is not a 1:1 migration.

With this post I’m hoping to make your life easier. If you prefer to get help then feel free to contact me.I’m always happy to help with your Flow migrations.

SharePoint DesignerMicrosoft Flow/Azure Logic Apps
 If any value equals any value condition in SharePoint Designer makes it possible to compare any value with any value.

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer ifanyvalueequalsanyvalue

 The following Condition block is available from the Add a condition option. Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer condition

SharePoint Designer has a few extra operations available.

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer comparison

Is empty and is not empty, matches regular expression and equals (ignoring case) are still missing.

If you need to test for Empty you can use the function Null to compare with

 Created by a specific person Via the Get-Items or Get-Item followed by an if conditions you could replicate this.Login ox when using SharePoint - Get items

Often you might use the SharePoint item as a trigger of your flow. Therefore the Created field would be available as a variable.

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer dynamic content

 Created in a specific date span Via the Get-Items followed by an if conditions you could replicate this.Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer get items

Once again it is likely that you would use the SharePoint item as a trigger of your flow. Therefore the Created field would be available as a variable.

 Modified by a specific person Via the Get-Items followed by an if conditions you could replicate this.Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer get items

The Modified field would be available as a variable if you use a trigger based on an item change.

 Modified in a specific date span
Within Flow or Logic Apps you could verify an account using the Azure AD Get User action followed by an if that does the checks.Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer getuser
 Title field contains keywords Via the Get-Items or Get Item followed by an if conditions you could replicate this.Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer getitems2

The Title field would be available as dynamic content if you use SharePoint based triggers

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer dynamic content2

 Start a list workflow I have been looking for a Start a list Flow but that doesn’t exist. The only way to replicate the Start workflow functionality is either by calling a service or to update a SharePoint list item that then triggers another Flow.

If you are looking for starting a SharePoint Designer workflow then you could use the REST API as described in this post

 Start a site workflow I have been looking for a Start a site Flow but that doesn’t exist. The only way to replicate the Start workflow functionality is either by calling a service or to update a SharePoint list item that then triggers another Flow.If you are looking for starting a SharePoint Designer workflow then you could use the REST API as described in this post
 Add a comment Adding a comment can be done by selecting the add a comment within any action or condition:Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer add a comment
 Add time to a dateIf you want to do calculations, within Flow or Logic apps you will need to use Expressions:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer addtime

 Build Dictionary
 Call HTTP Web ServiceWithin Azure Logic   you can create HTTP calls to webservices, however quite often you will find that a specific Connector already exists for the application that you try to integrate with. Therefore the need for a plain HTTP call might not be needed.

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer http

The HTTP – HTTP action might be the closest option the the CALL HTTP Web Service call in SharePoint Designer:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer httpdetails

 Count Items in a DictionaryWithin Microsoft Flow and Logic App the length Expression will return the number of items in an Array:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer length

Do CalculationFor basic calculations Microsoft flow has some expressions available:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer calculate

Get an item from a Dictionary Although the straightforward option may not be available, there are many query actions available in Microsoft Flow. Depending on the use this could be migrated.
Log to History List Although there may not be an option to log a message to the history list of Flow. you could create history items in other application, for example SharePoint.
 Pause for Duration A Pause can be implemented with an Do Until using the utcNow and addDays expressions:Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer pause
 Pause until Date A Pause can be implemented with an Do Until using the utcNow and addDays expressions:Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer pause
 Send an EmailNot just sending an email is easy in Flow. Sending approval emails (with pretty buttons) is a piece of cake. Simply select one of the actions and you will be sending emails in no time.

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer email

 Set Time portion of Date/Time FieldWith the time functions available it might be a challenge to get this done, but probably not impossible.

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer addtime

 Set Workflow Status Not applicable. Unless you want to set a field in a SharePoint list item or a database record.
 Set Workflow VariableVariables are a bit different in Flow. Dynamic content will take a away the need for a lot of variable. As an alternative you can set properties with expressions:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer properties

Or you can of course always use the variable in Flow:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer variables

 Check in ItemCheck in and check out seems to be missing in the connectors with  SharePoint.
 Check out Item Check in and check out seems to be missing in the connectors with  SharePoint.
 Copy document The copy document options can be replaced by Copy file:Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer copyfile
 Create List Item The create item action is available within Flow and Log Apps:Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer createitem
 Delete Item Once again the Delete Item has a direct match in Flow and Logic Apps:Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer deleteitem
 Discard Checkout Item Check in and check out seems to be missing in the connectors with  SharePoint.
 Set Content Approval StatusThe Set Content approval status has a direct match in Flow and Logic Apps.

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer setapproval

 Set Field in Current item Items can be updated in Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer updateitem
 Translate Document I must admit that I have never use the translation options in SharePoint Designer. The only translation options currently available in Flow and Logic Apps are in preview:Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer translate
 Update List Item Items can be updated in Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer updateitem
 Wait for Event in List Item As with the Pause until actions, wait for a list event can be implement with a Do Until
 Wait for Field Change in Current Item  As with the Pause until actions, wait for a field change can be implement with a Do Until
 Assign a task Implementing a task system can be done in multiple ways and there are too many option to consider for me to include them in this post.
 Start a task process See assign  task
 Extract Substring from End of StringLogic Apps and Flow have a substring expression available that can handle all of the substring actions like in SharePoint Designer:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer substring

 Extract Substring from Index of StringFlow and Logic Apps have a function substring available that can handle all of the substring actions in SharePoint Designer:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer substring

 Extract Substring from Start of StringLogic Apps and Flow have an expression substring available that can handle all of the substring actions in SharePoint Designer:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer substring

  Extract Substring of String from Index with LengthLogic Apps and Microsoft Flow have a substring expression vailable that can handle all of the substring actions in SharePoint Designer:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer substring

 Find Interval between Dates
 Find Substring in StringLike in SharePoint Designer, Logic Apps and Flow have an expression substring available that can handle all of the substring actions:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer substring

 Replace Substring in StringLogic Apps and Flow have an expression replace available that can handle all of the replace actions in SharePoint Designer:

Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer replace

 Trim String Migrate from SharePoint Designer to Power Automate Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Designer trim

As you can see most of the SharePoint Designer actions are there in Microsoft Flow. It isn’t always easy to make the actions in Flow or Azure Logic Apps work the same way, but hopefully this post will help a bit.

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By Pieter Veenstra

Business Applications Microsoft MVP working as the Head of Power Platform at Vantage 365. You can contact me using

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