Introduction to 8 AI functions in Power AppsIntroduction to 8 AI functions in Power Apps

Recently Microsoft added AI Functions to Dataverse that can be used in Power Apps. In this post all the steps needed to take advantage of these AI functions.

AI functions available in Power Apps

The AI options available to use increase every day. AI Builder is just one of the options. Within Power Apps there is now a whole new list of AI Functions available.

The AI functions available in Power Apps are:

AI Functions available in Power Apps
AI Functions available in Power Apps

All of the above functions are available within the Environment data source which is very different from all other functions. Just add the Environment ‘table’ to your app and you are up and running.

AITranslate function

This now may result in a This scenario is not supported in this environment.

AITranslate attempting to translate text
AITranslate attempting to translate text

For the supported languages and language codes please review the following document. imagine making your app multilingual just as standard. That is now so much easier with the AITranslate option.

AIClassify function

The AI Classify function can help you categorise text. So in the example below the text is recognised as Dutch.

AIClassify function identifying Dutch text
AIClassify function identifying Dutch text

Notice that you can supply categories to this function, so it isn’t a pre-set list of categories. Being able to prefill some options on a form will help your users fill in that form quicker and with less effort.

AIExtract function

The AI Extract function isn’t fully working yet, but it is on its way. The extract function will take data out of a piece of text.

AIExtract functioon in Power Apps
AIExtract functioon in Power Apps

AISentiment function

The AI Sentiment function will give you details on if a text is positive or negative.

When we take a positive text then we we will get a Sentiment rating of Positive. The values found here are Positive, Negative or Neutral.

AI Sentiment function
AI Sentiment function

AISummarize function

The AISummarize function gives us options to rephrase and summarize a text.

AISummarize function in Power Apps
AISummarize function in Power Apps

AIReply function in Power Apps

Now the AIReply function. This is probably my favourite one! I’m asking a question inside the app and I’m getting a full blown answer back! This is going to be powerful. Maybe not 100% trustworthy, but very powerful!

How to use AIReply function in Power Apps
How to use AIReply function in Power Apps

To use the AIReply function in Power Apps, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your Power Apps application and navigate to the screen where you want to use the AIReply function.
  2. Add a Text Input control to the screen to capture user input.
  3. In the formula bar, enter the following formula to use the AIReply function: AIReply() Replace with the text you want to send to the AI model for a response.
  4. You can then use the output of the AIReply function to display the response to the user, for example, by setting the Text property of a Label control to the output of the AIReply function.

Remember to test and validate the AI model’s responses to ensure they meet your requirements. Let me know if you need any further assistance or have any other questions!

Thoughts on the AI functions

If your apps don’t include any AI, are you missing the opportunity to make things easier for your users? This isn’t about taking people’s jobs away. It is just about making things easier.

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By Pieter Veenstra

Business Applications Microsoft MVP working as the Head of Power Platform at Vantage 365. You can contact me using

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