Power Apps functions and expressions are the base of the low code success of your apps.

Microsoft’s Power Apps Functions reference

All these expressions are nicely listed in alphabetical order. This can be useful if you know what you are looking for but if you don’t know what you are looking for then it might be a bit harder to find the right expressions.

Power Apps functions in the Formula reference for Power Apps

More annoyingly, not all functions available are listed within Power Apps functions suggestion box itself.

Functions available in Power Apps

The categories within the Power Apps functions suggestion box are useful however when you are looking for function don’t be surprised to find some Power Apps functions in the wrong category. Also,  if all the functions were listed that would be helpful.

In this post I’ve made an attempt to group the Power Apps functions better.


Launch – Launches a web address or an app.

App Information

App – Returns information about the currently running app, such as which screen is currently displayed.

Acceleration – Reads the acceleration sensor in your device.

Compass – Returns your compass heading.

Connection – Returns information about your network connection.


Color – Sets a property to a built-in color value.

ColorFade – Fades a color value.

ColorValue – Translates a CSS color name or a hex code to a color value.

RGBA – Returns a color value for a set of red, green, blue, and alpha components.


Calendar – Retrieves information about the calendar for the current locale.

Clock – Retrieves information about the clock for the current locale.

Date – Returns a date/time value, based on Year, Month, and Day values.

DateAdd – Adds days, months, quarters, or years to a date/time value.

DateDiff – Subtracts two date values, and shows the result in days, months, quarters, or years.

DateTimeValue – Converts a date and time string to a date/time value.

DateValue – Converts a date-only string to a date/time value.

Day – Retrieves the day portion of a date/time value.

Hour – Returns the hour portion of a date/time value.

IsToday – Checks whether a date/time value is sometime today.

Minute – Retrieves the minute portion of a date/time value.

Month – Retrieves the month portion of a date/time value.

Now – Returns the current date/time value.

Second – Retrieves the second portion of a date/time value.

Time – Returns a date/time value, based on Hour, Minute, and Second values.

TimeValue – Converts a time-only string to a date/time value.

TimeZoneOffset – Returns the difference between UTC and the user’s local time in minutes.

Today – Returns the current date/time value.

Weekday – Retrieves the weekday portion of a date/time value.

Year – Retrieves the year portion of a date/time value

Error Handling

Errors – Provides error information for previous changes to a data source.

IfError – Detects errors and provides an alternative value or takes action.

File handling

Download – Downloads a file from the web to the local device.

Forms and Controls

EditForm – Resets a form control for editing of an item.

ViewForm – Resets a form control for viewing of an existing item.

NewForm – Resets a form control for creation of an item.

Reset – Resets an input control to its default value, discarding any user changes.

ResetForm – Resets a form control for editing of an existing item.

Select – Simulates a select action on a control, causing the OnSelect formula to be evaluated.

Notify – Displays a banner message to the user.

Parent – Provides access to a container control’s properties.

SubmitForm – Saves the item in a form control to the data source.

ThisItem – When in a gallery or form, returns the data for the current item from the container.


Disable – Disables a signal, such as Location for reading the GPS.

Enable – Enables a signal, such as Location for reading the GPS.

Location – Returns your location as a map coordinate by using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and other information.


And – Boolean logic AND. Returns true if all arguments are true. You can also use the && operator.

If – Returns one value if a condition is true and another value if not.

IfError – Detects errors and provides an alternative value or takes action.

Not – Boolean logic NOT. Returns true if its argument is false, and returns false if its argument is true. You can also use the !operator.

Or – Boolean logic OR. Returns true if any of its arguments are true. You can also use the || operator.

Switch – Matches with a set of values and then evaluates a corresponding formula.

Coalesce – Replaces blank values while leaving non-blank values unchanged.

IsBlank – Checks for a blank value.

IsNumeric – Checks for a numeric value.


Abs – Absolute value of a number.

Acos – Returns the arccosine of a number, in radians.

Acot – Returns the arccotangent of a number, in radians.

Asin – Returns the arcsine of a number, in radians.

Atan – Returns the arctangent of a number, in radians.

Atan2 – Returns the arctangent based on an (x,y) coordinate, in radians.

Average – Calculates the average of a table expression or a set of arguments.

Cos – Returns the cosine of an angle specified in radians.

Cot – Returns the cotangent of an angle specified in radians.

Degrees – Converts radians to degrees.

Exp – Returns e raised to a power.

Ln – Returns the natural log.

Log – Returns the logarithm of a number for the given base. The default base is 10.

Max – Maximum value of a table expression or a set of arguments.

Min – Minimum value of a table expression or a set of arguments.

Mod – Returns the remainder after a dividend is divided by a divisor.

Pi – Returns the number π.

Power – Returns a number raised to a power. You can also use the ^ operator.

Radians – Converts degrees to radians.

Rand – Returns a pseudo-random number.

Round – Rounds to the closest number.

RoundDown – Rounds down to the largest previous number.

RoundUp – Rounds up to the smallest next number.

Sin – Returns the sine of an angle specified in radians.

Sqrt – Returns the square root of a number.

StdevP – Returns the standard deviation of its arguments.

Sum – Calculates the sum of a table expression or a set of arguments.

Tan – Returns the tangent of an angle specified in radians.

VarP – Returns the variance of its arguments.


Back – Displays the previous screen.

Exit – Exits the currently running app.

Navigate – Changes which screen is displayed.

Tables and Collections and Data Sources

AddColumns – Returns a table with columns added.

Choices – Returns a table of the possible values for a lookup column.

Clear – Deletes all data from a collection.

ClearCollect – Deletes all data from a collection and then adds a set of records.

Collect – Creates a collection or adds data to a data source.

Concat – Concatenates strings in a data source.

Count – Counts table records that contain numbers.

CountA – Counts table records that aren’t empty.

CountIf – Counts table records that satisfy a condition.

CountRows – Counts table records.

DataSourceInfo – Provides information about a data source.

Defaults – Returns the default values for a data source.

Distinct – Summarizes records of a table, removing duplicates.

DropColumns – Returns a table with one or more columns removed.

Filter – Returns a filtered table based on one or more criteria.

First – Returns the first record of a table.

FirstN – Returns the first set of records (N records) of a table.

ForAll – Calculates values and performs actions for all records of a table.

GroupBy – Returns a table with records grouped together.

IsEmpty – Checks for an empty table.

Last – Returns the last record of a table.

LastN – Returns the last set of records (N records) of a table.

LoadData – Loads a collection from PowerApps private storage.

LookUp – Looks up a single record in a table based on one or more criteria.

Patch – Modifies or creates a record in a data source, or merges records outside of a data source.

Refresh – Refreshes the records of a data source.

Remove – Removes one or more specific records from a data source.

RemoveIf – Removes records from a data source based on a condition.

Revert – Reloads and clears errors for the records of a data source.

RenameColumns – Renames columns of a table.

SaveData – Saves a collection to PowerApps private storage.

Search – Finds records in a table that contain a string in one of their columns.

ShowColumns – Returns a table with only selected columns.

Shuffle – Randomly reorders the records of a table.

Sort – Returns a sorted table based on a formula.

SortByColumns – Returns a sorted table based on one or more columns.

Table – Creates a temporary table.

UpdateIf – Modifies a set of records in a data source based on a condition.

Ungroup – Removes a grouping.

Update – Replaces a record in a data source.

Validate – Checks whether the value of a single column or a complete record is valid for a data source.


Concurrent – Evaluates multiple formulas concurrently with one another.


Blank – Returns a blank value that can be used to insert a NULL value in a data source.

Char – Translates a character code into a string.

Concatenate – Concatenates strings. Note this is not the same as Concat!

EncodeUrl – Encodes special characters using URL encoding.

EndsWith – Checks whether a text string ends with another text string.

Find – Checks whether one string appears within another and returns the location.

GUID – Converts a GUID string to a GUID value or creates a new GUID value.

HashTags – Extracts the hashtags (#strings) from a string.

IsMatch – Checks a string against a pattern. Regular expressions can be used.

Left – Returns the left-most portion of a string.

Len – Returns the length of a string.

Lower – Converts letters in a string of text to all lowercase.

Match – Extracts a substring based on a pattern. Regular expressions can be used.

MatchAll – Extracts multiple substrings based on a pattern. Regular expressions can be used.

Mid – Returns the middle portion of a string.

Param – Provides access to parameters passed to the app when the user opened it.

PlainText – Removes HTML and XML tags from a string.

Proper – Converts the first letter of each word in a string to uppercase, and converts the rest to lowercase.

Replace – Replaces part of a string with another string, by starting position of the string.

Right – Returns the right-most portion of a string.

Split – Splits a text string into a table of substrings.

StartsWith – Checks if a text string begins with another text string.

Substitute – Replaces part of a string with another string, by matching strings.

Text – Converts any value and formats a number or date/time value to a string of text.

Trim – Removes extra spaces from the ends and interior of a string of text.

TrimEnds – Removes extra spaces from the ends of a string of text only.

Upper – Converts letters in a string of text to all uppercase.

Value – Converts a string to a number.

User Information

Language – Returns the language tag of the current user.

User – Returns information about the current user.


Set – Sets the value of a global variable.

UpdateContext – Sets the value of one or more context variables of the current screen.

See also


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By Pieter Veenstra

Business Applications Microsoft MVP working as the Head of Power Platform at Vantage 365. You can contact me using contact@sharepains.com

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